Saturday, April 21, 2007

Upgrading to Vista?

Like many people, I love new stuff. Like way back on christmas morning (when I was a kid..... serious) I'd be so happy to open my junk....

Anyways... Vista.

It's been around for a little bit now.

I've heard some good things.... I've heard all the promo hoopla, and I'm never really swayed by that stuff.

But, I've heard some bad.

I've also seen some general weirdness.

I have not upgraded my work laptop to Vista. I'm quite happy running XP Pro, with 2 Gig of RAM and my software like Eclipse, MySQL tools, Outlook....etc.

I've seen a couple of computers literally crawl after upgrades and have some weird bugs... my boss had a strange bug with MS Office 2007..... he got it taken care of with the help of Microsoft support on the phone (which means they do score a few points).

Recently, I also worked a little on a brand new dell laptop, only had 1 Gig of RAM and came with a fresh new install of Vista. This thing is just plain bogged down. When this person would run just a few things, the laptops RAM shoots up to about 760 MB of usage (and up!!).

I got it to run at about 500MB, but it wasn't running anything. As soon as she uses Outlook for her email and a couple of other programs.... it's just painfully slow.

I would not bother thinking about Vista with any less than 2 Gigs of RAM. And at that, if I was to compare it with my work laptop that currently has 2 Gigs of RAM, to get the same performance as this one with Vista, I would get at least 3 Gigs of RAM. 4 preferably.

Plus, I'd rather see other people go through the pains of the first releases and make sure some bugs are worked out.... because I don't have time to fight with this thing.....

Also, care to "test drive" Vista??

Then go here:


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