Monday, February 27, 2006

Windows to release 6 new versions of windows

Microsoft is schedualed to release 6 new versions of Windows later this year.
(Article here)

Vista Home premium, will have some of the functionality that the Media center versions of windows had.

I'm anxious to try these new windows systems out... to see how good they are with ressources like RAM and CPU...

The new - formerly Ask Jeeves

The new version of Ask Jeeves, the search engine, has been released.

An alternative to the most popular engines... their mapping system is also quite good.

I will have to admit to you though, when it comes to a search engine and mapping system, I am a google junky.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

ITunes passes the one billion song sold mark

That's right... it was announced today.

Itunes has sold more than 1 000 000 000 songs online.

That's alot of music.

The lucky buyer of this song (the one billionth) gets some goodies... nice surprise I would say.
An IMac, 10 IPods and a card worth $10 000 in downloads from ITunes.
(Story by TechWeb)

That's a mighty fine reward for buying a song!

Want a flying SUV?

That's right... a flying SUV!!

Some grad students from Massachusetts institute of Technology have been working on the design with Terrafugia, an aviation and manufacturing company.

Read here

Imagine flying around.... by the year 2009!!!

Now, I'm under the assumption that the highway safety boards would have to create a new class of license for this thing..... clipping power lines could be hazardous.

And, the estimated price is only $148 000!!!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Yahoo reverses Allah ban

Yahoo has reversed it's decision to not allow (and disable) any accounts with 'allah' in the username after a bit of a backlash.

While banning 'allah', they did continue to allow 'jesus', 'god' and a host of others.

You can read a bit of a personal account here.

Safari security risk

Patches and updates are a great necessity.

There has been a new security risk reported to Apple a couple of days ago. And reading about it confirms the severity. Basically, someone could attack you (If you are running the software of course) by you browsing their website... there is an "Open safe files" option in Safari that should be disabled.
(Eweek article here)

Update, update, update.

Windows servers sell more than Unix servers

I found this rather interesting.

First time since 1996.... tells you how repected the Unix platform is.

I've never worked with a real Unix server... but having worked with Linux servers, I know that they perform super well.

I've also had the pleasure (yes, pleasure) of working with a couple of Windows 2003 servers. And from my experience with those servers... they also perform very well.

The only thing that I honestly found a little weird was creating FTP accounts with the new IIS.

I wonder what the numbers would be if Linux systems were also calculated in those numbers.

I may look for some stats.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What's next with Oracle

With the acquisition of Sleepycat Software, Oracle now owns a competitor.

Berkely DB is the open source database server that Sleepycat was behind... and now 'belongs' to Oracle.

Something to take note of....

There are reports that Oracle is on the move to also purchase JBOSS and Zend.

I know that Oracle had come out with more initiative to support PHP some time ago. What could this combination mean for Oracle?

They are looking at acquiring a fairly diverse set of products... I would say it's a possible move.

Zend is the company that 'takes care of PHP'... so you could have a majorDB vendor less some competion and controlling a very popular server scripting language in PHP..

Keep your eyes open. You just never know.

Amazon in the MP3 race

Amazon will soon be releasing it's online music service... similar to Apple's Itunes (from what I gather).
(Read Wall Street Journal's article)

I think competition is good.

One thing that is very cool is that if a new album comes out, I can preview it, and buy whatever song I wish. Instead of blowing some extra bucks for sub-par tunes (I now some of you have had that experience... I certainly have).

Online media is big buisness.

Remember Commodore?


You remember the old Commodore computers?

I do (ok, that's the hint as to how old I am)... well, it seems that the Commodore name is resurfacing after it's demise so long ago.

This article gives a bit of history. Interesting.

I remember using Commodore 64's when I was quite young (ok, I'm not THAT old).... playing some old basketball game... like Bird VS Dr J (or something like that).

Ah yes... memories.

Creating documents with Writely - Online

I recently found this online service. These kinds of things were what I envisioned as being a big part of the future of computing in years past. Computer software, delivered online.

Writely website

There are several companies developping or currently have such software deployed.

This little peice of software is nice. It looks very friendly (in my opinion) and does much of the basic tasks that you would do with either MS word or OpenOffice writer.

One thing that this does as well is allow you to post to your blog (supports a few APIs such as Blogger).

It also allows you to share your document with others. Which can be a very nice feature. One of the biggest assets to these apps is the possibilities that they open up with access. You work with a team... maybe you are all in different locations.. no big deal. You can share your files.

You and your co-worker can also work on the same documents and your modifications are sync'd. I have not personally tested that aspect of the software.

Certainly something to look at, can be a useful tool.

Monday, February 20, 2006

New Sony playstation delays

I've seen a few posts on this.

It seems as though the new Sony Playstation 3 will have a delay in it's launch. I've read reports that the cost of each PS3 would be $900.

If the cost of the needed technologies go down... so will the price of this monster.

But, if Sony can't deliver this in response to the new Xbox, just how much of their market share will they loose? And delivering the product at such a high price would certainly be disastrous (in my opinion).

Their stock market shares have also been shaken quite a bit by these troubles.

Guardian Unlimited Business

Yahoo Mail bans use of word 'allah" in email service

If you attempt to create a new email address with the letters "allah" in the email address, it may not be accepted according to this report:

It seems that with all the stuff that has gone on, that Yahoo has decided to take some steps in a direction.

I wonder how many companies may follow this direction in the future.

Linux / PHP worm

A linux worm exploits security flaw in PHP.
(The Register)

This would be particularly nasty to anyone working with Linux servers (of course).

Second OS X worm

There has been another Mac OS X virus discovered.

(article here)

Microsoft releases a version of their new "Office Live"

Microsoft have made a release of their new "Office Live" which is aimed at small american businesses (10 employees or less).

Office Live

Oracle buys Sleepycat Software

Oracle, the database giant, has just bought out an opensource DB company Sleepycat Software.
(read here)
Oracle is certainly trying to grab a bigger share of the DB software pie by trying to acquire opensource database vendors.

They were also reported trying to buy the popular MySQL database vendor.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Lawsuit against "Grand Theft Auto" game

A lawsuit was brought forward against the makers of the video game "Grand Theft Auto" for hidden sexual content.

(Story here)

It seems that the hidden features are quite explicit.

If a child gets a game, the parents should know what is in the game. The child will surely find whatever codes he/she needs to access the hidden features. As it is in many cases (that I know of) the youth will master the technology's use before the parent....

It wouldn't surprise me if individual suites were to follow from the public. Because it is quite a deception involved.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

New MAC OS Virus

Here is a report from about a new virus aimed at the MAC OS.
(Story here)

They report it as the first known MAC OS virus to come along.

Computer viruses are never nice to see. It strikes me as amazing that so many are targeted towards windows systems... even thought I am well aware that the windows OS is so much more common there are core groups of MAC users and also Linux users out there.

New video recorder to be released

Sanyo is to release a new "pocketcorder" soon.

Nice write up on CNET.

High definition video for your pocket.

Free image manipulation software?

Since my college days, I had worked with Adobe photoshop. Which, in my opinion is an awesome piece of software.

But, when I became self employed, I noticed that I constantly had to take my small budget into consideration. When having to work with image files, I started to look around at what was "out there". Then I found Gimp.

Gimp is a freely distributed image manipulation program. It has many features that allow you to produce professional quality graphics.

You can use it to touch up pictures, make poster or whatever else it is you need to do... maybe, it's designing a new webpage.

I have been using Gimp on and off for some time. Gimp also runs on different platforms.
There is Gimp for Linux (which is packaged in many cases), Gimp for windows and Gimp for OS X.

For more information on Gimp:
The Gimp Manual
Gimp Screenshots
Gimp downloads
Gimp for Windows

A free approach to office based software

Being one who has worked with computers for a good number of years now I've always been interested in trying new software packages and finding new stuff that I had never before used.

I've used a host of office based software over time and one that I have been using for quite some time is OpenOffice.

If you are someone looking for office based software such as a text editor, spread sheet program, presentation (like PowerPoint) , database software and have a limited budget, OpenOffice may be a good fit for you.

The cost of OpenOffice is a simple download.

And it is compatible with many office suite softwares on the market, which is quite important. So if you happen to receive an MS Word file or WordPerfect file, you can use it.

There may be differences in format, but generally it's not to bad.

You can find a host of information on the software and support here:
New to

Nintendo's DS

Nintendo's DS... a handheld gaming device may soon be used to view the internet and/or television.

Later this year, the DS will have an add-on card with the Opera internet browser...

RIAA against CD ripping

The RIAA are against ripping CDs.
(Article to read here)

Obviously, there can be some damages if it's abused. Many lawsuits have come from such circumstances.

But obviously, the user's right to make a backup copy of a CD is important also.

Here's a scenario I encounter. I have CDs that sometimes make it in my car. Once they get in my car, they may be handled by myself, my wife or kids. The level of care delivered to the CD will vary depending on who handles the CD.

Making a backup and using it in the car saves my bought copy. I've been wanting to do this, but still haven't gotten around to it.

Makes sense to me, and I believe that is one legit use of a backup copy.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Microsoft warns of flaw in Media player

Microsoft released a couple of days ago (february 15th, 2006) that they found a new flaw in the Windows Media player, and that it could also affect Internet explorer.

Basically, this flaw would allow the execution of other files on your computer.

Always update your PCs. Windows systems all have automatic updates built in to the operating system, automatic updates is definately a nice feature to have.

You can find more on automatic updates here: