Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Very interesting post by Google on massive stored data

This blog post is a very interesting read... and as I read it tried to envision what kind of systems Google are running behind these services such as Gmail, Search, Maps....etc.

Pretty amazing at the amount of data that they would have indexed..

Read this article for a glimpse @ Google.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Technology - great way to voice yourself

The internet certainly is a great place for self-expression. Blogs (like this one) are certainly a way where anyone can write about their interests.... (usually) whatever they are.

Sports, gardening, philosophy, technology.... politics.... it's all out there.

And, it appears that some people on Facebook have wasted no time in voicing their political views.

Seems as though some have already started facebook groups aimed at president (elect) Obama. Obama has gotten quite a world wide reaction after this US election season.... the majority being very positive. But of course, there are always those of the opposite opinion.

So, while he (Obama) hasn't even been sworn in and had but one day of leadership as president... some "Impeach Obama" groups have sprung up. Amazing.

While the internet does allow us to express ourselves and expressing ourselves is in and of itself good.... our expressions do show something about ourselves. And I will completely leave this up to you who've come across this post to decide if the expressions in question are in good character or not.

(Here's the article on Yahoo! Tech)

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Microsoft and the big marketing bucks

I still think the "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" commercials are great. They were totally original. Marketing genius (IMO).

This article points out some of Microsoft new attempts at countering those commercials and promote that "old" OS called Vista (while they are trying to come out with Windows 7).

(InfoWorld article)