Monday, March 09, 2009

Google Android for desktop?

I'm sure some if not all of you have heard of Google Android.

InfoWorld has an article stating that Google Android will be released by year's end... the birth of the "Google OS" that we've heard of for some time.

Another Linux based OS.... Windows beware.


Compact Disc 30th birthday

Wow... the CD has hit the 30 year mark.


Friday, March 06, 2009

Windows VS Ubuntu Memory

I thought I'd post a link to this article on InfoWorld primarily because I love comparisons.

Over on that blog, they make a brief comparison, Windows 7 vs Vista vs Ubuntu.

On a computer with 8GB of RAM and on startup...

Windows 7 on x64 memory = 1.24 GB
Windows Vista on x64 memory = 1.34 BG
Ubuntu 8.10 = 349 MG

And the winner is...

by Martin Heller on InfoWorld

As a side note, the article also talks about using for backups....

At my former employer and current client, I had set up an Ubuntu system on an older PC, put in better HDs.. and every night it automatically backs up data from 3 different servers...

Ubuntu has always done the job for me.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Microsoft testing their new search engine

Looks like Microsoft is working on a new search engine which they hope will help them grab a much larger chunk of the search engine market.

I personally use search engines extensively every day.... when I'm not actively looking for information to help solve a problem or any subject that may interest me.... then I'm likely not @ the computer.

This should be interesting.... I've looked at other types of search engines that came out the last couple of years... and personally, I'm still using Google and the occasional Yahoo!

on Yahoo!

Blogger tag cloud

I just now added a tag cloud to this blog and I wanted to post the link to the author's post where he shows how to create it in blogger.

It was very easy to do.

PS3 super computer

The "IT Dojo" over @ has a new post on a super computer cluster built on Sony PS3s done over at North Carolina State University.

They apparently clustered 16 PS3s together..

Pretty neat.

Read it here:
PS3 supercomputer illustrates innovative IT cost savings
By IT Dojo