Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Still anticipating Writely

As I believe I wrote earlier, I can't wait to see what will come of Writely the online word processor.

As some of you may know, Writely is now in the Google family.

Writely is now 'locked' in beta... so they are not accepting any new sign ups, as is the case with many of the popular Google projects.

I personally like the interface. And, honestly, I could likely do most of my word processing office duties with it. Which means, no need to pay for MS Office (although, I will readily admit you can do more with it), and no more installing software on my laptop. Which eliminates some of my "need" for OpenOffice , but.... I must say I am still in love with OpenOffice!

Anyways, in my opinion, Writely and apps such as Writely have a very practical use. Free software that you don't install on your PC/Laptop and carries no spyware.
(Unless of course they somehow load something in the background)

Anyways.... enjoy.

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